I swam more yardage this past week than I did in any week ever before, even when training for Vineman.
Not only that, I swam more yardage this past week than I did in the entire months of January, February, or August 2008.
Now before you get the notion that I'm swimming superhuman amounts, let's say I really avoided swimming where possible last year!
The highlights of this past week were my first "long" run since Vegas and a 90 minute long hill ride with a 20 minute run off the bike (I *heart* bricks!).
Notice I don't mention swimming.
We are having an unseasonably warm stretch here in Northern CA. Rather than the usual 30s to 50s that we see this time of year, it's in the 70s! Who wouldn't want to enjoy that with lots of outdoor training? Today began a rest week for me - I can only hope this weather lasts until things build again next week.
Training totals for Week 3 (January 5-11):
Swim: 6300 yards
Bike: 45 miles
Run: 10.4 miles
Strength/Core/Flexibility: 2 hours
Total time: ~10.5 hours
On the dog side of things, Friday's trip to the snow thoroughly wore the boys out. We gave them a 4-mile walk on Saturday morning and that pretty much finished Stanley off for the rest of the weekend.

You are amazing! Keep up the great work!
Keep it up! Great work, Molly!
You *heart* bricks? I'm glad somebody does. Good job on the swimming. This morning Coach T said, "Look at Molly, she's really improved."
you must have done negative swimming. yeah, I'm sure that's how you got there. Keep it up, you're doing great!
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