Friday, May 27, 2011

Stanley’s News

Another tough peak training week mostly done and finally a holiday weekend with some fun activities planned.  Nothing too major to report at the moment, except…


We’re very excited here too! 


Jennifer said...

How exciting for you and Stanley too! When I see those pictures of his agility trials I think, no wonder you run and do tri's! You would have to, to keep up with him.


heather said...

Congratulations. You're going to be a grandma!

LittleRachet said...

What a stud! ;)

Jen said...

Stan the Stud.

beardies3 said...

Congrats to Studly Stanley. Another litter of precious pups. Nice to see a really good dog with talent for more than one event being used.

D said...

I'm so behind. That Stanley is quite the stud ha ha ha ha.

That's all I gots.

Wes said...

Stanley is due for a little lovin in his future? :-)

Anonymous said...

Stan the Man - lame, I know. That will be fun for your guys.