Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Dogs Come From California

(But not happy owners, who are DAMN TIRED OF RAIN!!!)

We more or less rained out of our agility trial this weekend, in that I wouldn’t run the dogs in a monsoon due to safety concerns.  I froze in the pool Saturday morning.  I rode inside today.  The dogs needed *some* activity so they got a bunch of runs on the field in the rain and then one in between storms this afternoon where I brought the camera.

My happy old dude


Stan about to dive-bomb Max


Big schnozz






Jennifer said...

I can't believe your weather. We were at 103 today and bone dry. Like you I hope it changes soon!

Melissa said...

Super cute pics Molly! I love the one of Stanley in the flowers (I think that was Stanley).

mtanner said...

you should have come to Monterey! It was beautiful! Sunny and warm in Pebble no wind! Serious- call me!

San said...

Those pics are wonderful. Especially the last one is perfection.

Have a great new week.

ADC said...

Very cute, as always.

Christi said...

Such great lookin' dogs!

Wes said...

flying fur buckets... send rain here!

beardies3 said...

Happy dogs do come from California. :-)

TriGirl Kate O said...

I need to call you so we can catch up! I'm in Sta Rosa w/ the in laws July 1-3 (flying home on the 4th). Will I get to see you??
