Sunday, October 26, 2008

BCCA National - Day 2

This morning started just before dawn with a trail run in a new location. I was able to watch the sun come up over the hills and the valley, which mostly just made me remember that mountain lions hunt at dawn and are everywhere in the hills around here. Run faster!

And then the boys and I said goodbye to Jeff and Cujo and headed north - first to Dixon for another herding trial. Stan ran even nicer today - very enthusiastically - and got the other leg needed for his HT title. It's the very first herding title I've put on a dog! HUGE thanks go out to the owner of Stan's sister Mackenzie for getting video of our run for me.

After watching some of the herding instinct tests on friends' dogs, we escaped the heat and headed west to Sonoma County, where we checked into our temporary abode (just for tonight). We checked out the show hotel we'll be at tomorrow and I went to the Beardie Agility Diehards dinner. Walking around the hotel was a riot - I recognized every second or third person I passed from past nationals. After a bit of drama over setup space near the rings - and really, would it even be a dog event without drama? - I left my EZ-Up in a small open space and came back to the hotel room with the dogs. They've eaten, they've humped each other like crazy and now it is time for bed.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, the agility trial begins. Or maybe dark and foggy is a more apt description. Uh oh. Stan boy's big agility debut. I'm going to need a stiff drink afterwards.

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