Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is Sprung

Sunshine and 70s – check.


Frisbee fun – check.


Agility class that doesn’t require scarves, gloves and coats – awesome.


D said...

OMG! I'm soooooooooo happy to hear all that barking *snicker*. Fergus won't shut his damn yap. I was on the phone with my boss yesterday and all she could repeat was, "WHO is making all that noise?!?" Boy Beardies are like to hear themselves talk :)

Marit C-L said...

YES - spring is definitely here. I am loving all the green everywhere... Sadly it will turn brown by next month. But looks beautiful now!

Nice work with the agility - there's a lot to keep straight there! Phew!

Michelle Simmons said...

Can I tell you how jealous I am of your weather?!? Blue sky.... oh, we haven't seen that in weeks! Grrrr. Enjoy it!

Maggs said...

Harley liked the video.

jennabul said...

That Stan is one exuberant boy. Love it. He's gonna scream through your next agility trial. Ah, the weather is gorgeous.

Wes said...

We need something like that for humans, beyond triathlon. Maybe a triathlon with obstacles :-) Why should doggies get to have all the fun? Now, what would we use for a treat? ROFL...

Runner Leana said...

Love Wes' comment!! Yay for spring! I love spring. Sadly we woke up to snow on the ground here. Gotta love Calgary!!

Larissa said...

Athena is very happy i took out the F word this week. She Even made me mow the yard so we can play every night before my workouts! It's been perfect weather here. It was 75 yesterday!

beardies3 said...

I ♥ spring. I am hoping it has arrived here too but I'm not sure. There still is frost in the mornings.