Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Good grief, it’s only Tuesday.  Busy week around here in our house and yet the week is not flying by fast enough!  Jeff got home from Boston Sunday night after 5 days away and was in the city for legal meetings all day yesterday and again today.  I’m trying to balance work, getting back into workouts, and a variety of dog needs.

On Saturday afternoon, my friend Shannon – who’d been at a nearby agility trial – brought her boys over to play.  The four of them know each other quite well after sharing a hotel room for the week at the National and get right to the business of playing!





When I got home from racing Sunday, it was hot out and I was still in a swimsuit, so it made for a perfect bath day!  Clean dogs are the best!



They are very tolerant of my snuggling up with their good-smelling coats :)


On another note, Mary Who Kicks My Ass At Masters has started a blog!  Please go over and visit :)


Kim said...

your pooches are seriously the cutest!

Unknown said...

now thats some serious hair! gorgeous though.

Beth said...

I love me some beardie pictures!! My favorites are the ones where you can't tell where one dog begins and the other one ends. :)

Kim said...

btw - where was jeff in boston??!

Jennifer said...

My dogs got baths this weekend too. They have about 1/10 the hair of your guys! I love after bath snuggling, and even though they pretend to just tolerate it, personally I think they love it. Cheers!

Wes said...

that's a lot of flying fur... :-)

Julie said...

OMG the first pic of the leaping doggy is so cute it makes my heart ache!!! Have you ever checked out that site cuteoverload.com? Cuteness rules! Hee-hee!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, those dogs are awesomely cute! :)

Maria said...

I have to say that although, I think you are just an awesome triathlete and very dedicated to your training, and as much as I love to hear about your biking, racing and training adventures, the post with puppy pictures are always my favorite!