Monday, July 25, 2011

Bay Team CPE

Delaying a post on diet and other changes I’ve been meaning to write for a week because I haven’t had any time today…hopefully tomorrow!

On Sunday I dropped Stanley off at the agility trial and went off for an easy 90 minute ride.  Right back to Chesbro where I swam the day before – it was much quieter out there this time.


And then it was time for some fun with the dog!

Jackpot (like gamblers) – he did the jump-tunnel-jump gamble quite easily – we got our qualifying points and got out of there before the whistle.  Stanley ran past one jump I wanted him to take but now I realize it was a smart move because the judge was standing in our way!

Snooker – my favorite class and 1st place.  The video seems to have missed our first red but we did a 5(tunnel)-7(double jump)-6(two jumps) for the opening and then got points for the entire closing.  The 7 was tricky since it was not bidirectional in the opening.

Wildcard – another fun run where we had 3 choice points to make along the way in order to qualify.  Still going fast on his last run of the day!


Jen said...

Hahahahaha he's such a smart cookie! Some dogs might have just plowed into the judge.

Jennifer said...

He really is an amazing dog!

D said...

Nice runs! Wow, that judge sure liked straight tunnels! That snooker course could've been tricky if your dog wasn't listening, lots of options for them to take. Good boy Stan!

Elayne said...

Nice job. I love Snooker too. But not straight tunnels.

Mary M said...

Nice to *finally* get to see your runs! And Stanley didn't "miss" the jump - judge is L-U-C-K-Y (grrrrr). Nice job you two.