I hope everyone on Facebook who was sooooo concerned about cancer awareness yesterday went and donated $$ to research. And I mean research, not some *cough*pink*cough* awareness group that uses the majority of the money for their own self-promotion (Tasha points it quite well here).
Well said.
Where the hell is my credit for this? Sheesh.
I was just complaining about this to J... about the *coughpinkcough* group. What about the other diseases? Breast Cancer is 'sexy' - meaning it's marketable. Oh look - I'm buying cookies that support breast cancer research! Colon cancer.. not so much. Who wants to wear a brown ribbon? Irritates the hell out of me.
yep, totally right.
Wow...just wow... Her post was incredible. When I donate to cancer research I prefer to donate to the more general cancer research group. Whether that makes a difference or not, I'm not sure, but my family has been touched by many different types of cancer so I think they all matter.
I'm glad I read this, because now that I have, it kind of opens my eyes. I sort of fell into the whole thing myself.
I have to echo Trishie's sentiment here, because I have several family members who have been affected by lung and cervical cancers. They don't have any pretty events or ribbons or pretentious national groups supporting them.
It's pretty frustrating because I realized reading your post that a good majority of people are probably not aware those other illnesses need their attention, too . . .
That post was awesome, thanks for sharing!
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