Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In Need Of A Name

In May, I have two race weekends back-to-back (Olympic-long sprint).  The Olympic is an A race for me, the sprint is for-fun since it’s a local favorite.  In the end, I decided to do it as a relay with two of my favorite guys, Jeff and Nigel.

But, dear Internets, we need a team name.  Suggestions being thrown around right now include things like  “Friends With Benefits” (WTF?), “The Bald and The Beautiful,” “Chest Nuts,” and “I’ve Got a Rash.”  Suffice it to say, I suggested that my lovely bloggy peeps could provide more ideas…

And so here are the teammates, that you must manage to somehow typecast into one title…

The Swimmer:


Nigel.  Swims like a fish, bikes like a sweaty Englishman, runs like…wait, I’ve never actually seen Nigel run.  Wants the swim leg of the relay so he can start drinking earlier than the rest of us.  Prone to embarrassing outbursts in quiet restaurants and owner of a shamelessly unfiltered mouth.

The Cyclist:


Jeff.  Swims like a wounded buffalo, bikes like a mountain goat, runs like a cheetah (fast, for short distances).  Wants the bike leg because he once spent 20 minutes swimming the 400 yards of his only sprint triathlon.  No, really, because he doesn’t want Nigel to be too many beers ahead of him.  Prone to dropping his wife on steep climbs and making good use of pace booty on the run.

The Runner:

2009_Apr11 031-1

The resident Ironman.  Loves to run.  Still thinks the marathon part of Arizona was the fun part.  Wants to run because…likes to run!  And because the boys are so cute when they are drunk.  Prone to inappropriate public display of hot pink compression socks.

I know you’re all very creative, let us have it!


jennabul said...

You forgot that Nigel is a fan of well-endowed women =) I don't know..."99 bottles of beer team"? Didn't I take that picture of you running? Cuz you have both feet off the ground!

Charisa said...

Look up old Hood to Coast team names - some of them are really hilarious! Love your new blog photo montage on the top too :)

Scott said...

I suggest the name "Schlitz and Giggles" or if the boys like local beers, "the Micro-Brewsers" or "MicroBruisers", And finally, "The Pink Pabsters"

ShirleyPerly said...

Great picture of you!

Can't think of one off the top of my head but will think more on this. I've seen some very creative names and actually love reading relay results just to see the team names!

Wes said...

ok. I'll have to ponder that one for a while...

Maria said...

Haha, love the descriptions, can't wait to hear what the final decision is!

Lisa T said...

2 drunks and a runner.

Kim said...

franks and beans! :) oh i dont know. something dirty... something about a pink taco.

Clarese said...

I love "Schlitz and Giggles" That is too funny!

Meredith said...

I like the 2 drunks part, how about 2 drunks and an Ironman.

beardies3 said...

2 Sherpas and an Ironman