Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adventures in Eating

As mentioned a couple weeks ago, I am transitioning the beardies back to a raw diet (Max was raised on one, Stan only partially).  In the past, I’ve worked with raw co-ops or hunted down the food in various grocery or discount stores myself – these days I just don’t feel like I have the time for that, or the packaging and refreezing that has to take place at home.

Yesterday our first order from a local company called Feed This! arrived.  Every 2 weeks they come down to our end of the bay to make house calls.  3 boxes were left on our doorstep – inside were individual freezer packs and in those were meals for the dogs, packaged by their daily servings.  OMG, already this is worth it to me for the convenience and packaging!

The first couple days’ worth of servings are thawing in the fridge and we’ll start them up tomorrow.  They’ve already been eating processed raw patties and a few RMBs so their systems should be good to go.


I’ll give them a month or two to adjust and detox and report back on how things are going.  But so far, so good!


jennabul said...

I hope it works..=)

Melissa said...

What type of meat will they be eating? And, what are the advantages/changes you will see? I'm curious b/c Sky has such bad allergies that one of the options was to put her on raw food, but instead we have her on a special venison and potato dry food (and those are the only two ingredients). Looking forward to hearing how this goes with your boys!

Molly said...

Should be a mix of meats - chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, pork, etc - some raw meaty bones and some muscle/organ meat. In the past I found being completely grain-free like this went well with their systems - great poops, coats, skin and health. I'm really looking forward to getting the dental benefits that raw bones give - much cleaner teeth and better breath!

TriGirl Kate O said...

It still looks kinda gross... I'm in denial about what's in Sophie's food.

Steve Stenzel said...

They look like they're eating better than me!!! ;)

Larissa said...

Very cool. I normally do raw when i can. Athena doesn't get upset tummy by eating both raw and grain free kibble. The 100% raw is too intimidating and i dont have all that freezer space to store bulk. Ill have to check this place out. If you have a PW market in your area they normally have great deals on whole knuckles. I use to get 2 huge ones for like 2 dollars each.

Meera said...

How convenient! Lazy as I am, I would pop one in the oven for my own dinner :)

GoBigGreen said...

Oh boy i hope you dont get up in the middle of the night and dig into that! :) with greek yogurt:)
Hope they are doing better with the change...andhope YOU have a great weekend, race packet or bust!

Sherry said...

I had to turn the screen away from Koby. I'm sure he would have started to salivate. :o)

Maria said...

If you start feeding them filet mignon I'm gonna have to protest!