Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Warrior

I feel like I live weekend to weekend these days, plugging away at my job and workouts during the week just to survive to the fun stuff.  This weekend was no exception in my current trend of crazy-busy – Stanley had a dog show and I had a big training block to wrap up!

Since we were down in Carmel for the dog show, e21 teammate Mary took us out for our long ride on one of her usual routes on Saturday morning.  30 miles out from the coast on Carmel Valley Road, it gets very quiet and sometimes VERY steep.  But it was gorgeous and we had a blast!





Made it to the top of the pass!


I returned to the dog show to discover Stanley had gone Best of Breed and was about to head into the Herding Group – perfect timing!  I had so much fun cheering him on in his first Group outing and was thrilled he made the judge’s cut to her final dogs.


I was fast asleep by 8:30 that night, all worn out from our big adventures. And back on the bike by 5:10am and out for my long run by 6:10am and back at the dog show by 9:30am. Phew!

On the upside, I was able to replenish some depleted calories Sunday night with a birthday dinner for Nigel!


We are all grateful today was a rest day.



beardies3 said...

I <3 your TriPatch Quilt. The handsome Stanley shows it off nicely.

mtanner said...

Thank you so much for coming down! You are welcome any time you want to come down. We have plenty of places to show you! We can even find an Arizona course friendly route to take later in the year. And I will see you this weekend as I drown :)

Michelle Simmons said...

You guys look awesome in your e21 gear! I am so jealous that you got to hang with Mary. We have had a couple of close opportunities to meet but have not yet made it happen!

Meredith said...

I love the quilt, I still need to get one made. Congrats to Stanley on such an amazing weekend!

kT said...

I'm kind of insanely jealous of how nice Stanley's hair looks when he runs.

Jennifer said...

Great ride and congrats to you and Stanley. Outstanding!

blogdog said...

Love the quilt! Love Stanley, too. Congrats!

In my Shaggy Dog Stories incarnation, I nominated your blog for a Versatile Blogger Award. Come on over and pick up your badge:

Caratunk Girl said...

Stanley is so freaking cute!! I wish my hair looked that good when I run...Love the quilt! What a good idea.

Teresa said...

That ride looks gorgeous and fun!


Anonymous said...

Those roads look amazing to ride on!

Wes said...

that's the kind of bike route I can appreciate :-)

Bobbie said...

I have to say, I haven't followed really closely to the E21 team that you are with, but EVERYTIME I see that bike jersey I think, "that is the coolest bike jersey!" hahaha... sorry, silly comment but I had to share it! :)