Monday, January 24, 2011

Big. Girl. Pants.

I’d better dig through my drawers and find them because I will need them for the next training block.  Oh my, I have some big work ahead! 

I’m really excited to tackle the big (yes, I keep using that word!) stuff Coach has on tap for me.  This is the work that will make me strong for the huge (there, I found a different word) year I have planned. 

It’s also quite thrilling because I look at the schedule and KNOW I could not have handled this in January/February the past 2 years.  This means I am in a different place and ready for more than ever before!

Bring it!


Beth said...

GOOOOOO Molly! :)

Andrea said...

You and me both, sister! AMEN!

Michelle Simmons said...

Excellent! I love that. Progress! :)

Wes said...

I'm willing to lease you the word "ginormous" :-)

heather said...

It occurred to me the other day when my recovery week was boring me and I kept looking ahead to the harder workouts, that I may considered insane. LOL

Clarese said...

You are amazing, Molly! I look forward to following your progress over the new year :)

Anonymous said...

awesome, can't wait to hear about it! Very cool you're pulling on the big girl pants this early in the season :-)

Anonymous said...

super cool to see how far you have grown!! now go find those big girl panties of yous :D

Jennifer Harrison said...

AWESOME LMM!!! Get it done! :)

Maggs said...

nice. I was just looking at my training from the last 2 years and realize that there's no way I could do that right now. I've got a long way to go this season.

ADC said...

Very exciting stuff.

Eileen Swanson said...

Very, very cool!! Can't wait to see your progress.....