Monday, April 12, 2010

No! No! No!!!

OMG I am so NOT pregnant. DO I LOOK PREGNANT???? I am remembering each and every one of you who raised the prospect of such a nightmare.

The due dates for next week do not involve me, sorry to disappoint :-)


Wes said...

ummmm congratulations?!?!?

Kris said...

I'm guessing.....puppies?!? Not you personally, of course!

blondeez said...

LOL! Way to nip that rumor in the bud!

Maria said...

I didn't think you were, you certainly didnt look like it, but sometimes individuals of...we'll say smaller stature, don't show as much!!

Stef0115 said...

Not for one second did I think you were pregnant! I thought it may be some puppies or some other exciting event having nothing to do with you being pregnant. In fact that never even occurred to me which is why I find this post so funny and why I'm writing this comment now.


Maggs said...

Well, since you have boy dogs, I guess it's not one of the dogs that's due. Bummer.

melissa said...

LOL! You're not?

Meera said...

LMAO! That was a good morning laugh :)

Melissa said...

Ha! Awesome! This short post is too funny.

If it is puppies that are being born, you better post some pictures :-)

Sherry said...

LOL! Ha! It crossed my mind too, Molly!

D said...

You? Pregnant? That's almost as funny as the prospect of me being pregnant. Ick.

cheryl said...

haha, that's what I thought too. Guess we'll just have to wait a few more days for the news.

My Life said...

That is funny. There was a flicker of oh-she's-prego that crossed my mind on your other post, but then I immediately thought new puppy?!

Rainmaker said...

Simply hilarious. It's one of your posts that you should print out and put on a fridge...