Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just Say No

to the 4th lemon drop.  And possibly the 3rd.  At least I can still remember the entire evening, and I didn’t do anything too embarrassing.  That you know of.

If not for e21 and advil and water, I’d have been in far worse shape this morning.  Jeff and Nigel weren’t feeling so hot either but we all put our game faces on and went for a trail run in the desert.

Great choice! I felt so much better for having gotten out there.


And with the last workout of rest week done, my day is all about food and a nap and relaxing.  Tomorrow I kick off a big bad ass base training block (really, my Training Peaks says so) and it’s a big one!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, even back home where it’s pouring rain!


beardies3 said...

It will be a perfect week of training in your happiest of places. Go get'em with gusto!

Clarese said...

Why say "no" when you can look that peppy the next day?

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

I was naughty last night too! i'm going to be good for the next 2 weeks before Oceanside.. no, for reals i'm going to!

Did you get my text with the recipe?

Jennifer said...

I had one of those "special" runs myself this weekend. Thank God the headache was gone by the end of the run. I love the pic of you all in your wet suits, it's the new sexy! And back to your last post I love the new kit, nice colors and design. You will look fab in it!

Wes said...

when Training Peaks speaks, we listner :-)

elizabeth said...

LOVE lemon drops, LOVE our e21 gear, LOVE that you are enjoying my summer weekend swim site, LOVE it all Molly!! enjoy your BIG week :)

Bobbie said...

I had Irish Car Bombs this weekend... I hear ya! Maybe I'll look into this e21 stuff?

Anonymous said...

I love that your training peaks says "big bad ass base training." :)

Anonymous said...

That e21 kit is pretty sharp looking.