Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Wont Like Me When I’m Angry

I started off this morning (or perhaps finished yesterday) on an oh-so-chipper note (not).

The Valentine’s aspect of my day was perfectly lovely and holds no blame for this mood.

Take a day without a workout (some people need their caffeine, I need my endorphins – WHERE ARE MY GODDAMN ENDORPHINS?), add a huge roadblock at work to a project I’ve invested a year in (like someone saying we don’t need to do this project), and then add some dog-world drama, and I went to bed in a *great* (sarcasm) mood that carried over nicely to morning.

Thankfully I had a crackass-of-dawn workout to do and was able to swim away most of my mad while simultaneously composing the perfect email response to my roadblock. Getting to hang with my brother didn’t hurt either.


The rest week blues are real, people. Be afraid, be very afraid.


San said...

Ah, soo sorry to read this. I hit my roadblock last week, but thankfully since yesterday I'm fine with it. More than just fine with it in fact.

The Hulk is hilarious. Hooray for swimming away the mad mood. I'll try that this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

Have a magical rest of the week.


Michelle Simmons said...

OK just don't get your period and a virus too. Because that would REALLY suck... not that I would know first-hand or anything...

heather said...

Crack of dawn workouts would totally have added to my grumpies. You are tougher than me!

Jill said...

I am so with you...i did literally laugh out loud at "WHERE ARE MY GD ENDORPHINS." Double word.

Jennifer Harrison said...

Sometimes I think I am the ONLY one out there that loves rest weeks...you don't have to tell me 2x to rest or sleep or take the day off...weird how we are all so different with that?!! :)

ADC said...

I am like Jen - I do like my rest weeks.

Meera said...

LOL - I don't want to deal with an angry Molly :) Hope you get to do some appropriate rest-week activities that brighten your days!

My Life said...

I have not experienced rest week blues... and now I'm afraid!

Running and living said...

I like rest weeks but my hormones/brain do not! It is nice to have extra time but man does it suck to feel emotional, irritable, crappy (me, not you:).
Hope the work thing gets figured out, that is just wrong after all the work you put in!

Kim said...

rest weeks are definitely not my favorite weeks. then again i do get to watch plenty of my crap reality tv ;)