Finally, our new family member is here! Jeff says I need to sell my mountain bike to clear up some room in the garage - apparently 5 bicycles is putting us a bit over our limit.
Thanks to the guys at
Willow Glen Bicycles for all of their help, free stuff, and advice!
IT is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. I love love love red :-)
OMG-that is BEAUTIFUL! Now you need a red helmet to go with it. I just ordered the new Giro.. would go just right with your new bike!
sweet ride!
Great bike. Fiona is a great name for her too. Of course, every time I read it I hear that line from Eurotrip in my head. "Fiona!"
Man, I love that bike. I can't wait to get a tri-bike someday...crossing fingers!
Fiona is a great name!
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