I had a couple runs, a short bike ride, and a couple swims, including 2100 yds this morning (should have been 2400 but I am a moron and managed to miss 300 yds of fist drills on my workout). After the swim today, we took the dogs for a little hike at the Stile Ranch Trail.

The lovely scenery does not convey the cleanup work that such a hike entails. First, we had to remove the shrubbery that each dog had picked up in their coat - burs, stickers, twigs, branches, entire bushes, etc. Then I had to remove all the ticks from the dogs *shudder* And after all that it was obvious that baths were in order, so Max and Stan are currently drying in their crates. As tired as they were, the naptime should be a welcome break.
One week until Las Vegas! Hopefully the taper crazies don't hit too hard this week, hopefully I can stave off all of my dessert cravings for another week, and hopefully I am trained and READY to race!
What a great hike trail with amazing views. Fantastic swim too!! I can never keep count. I am still thinking of hiring some kid to just count my laps for me while in the pool.
You guys look great! I'm sure you are ready for the 1/2.
Do you have your race # yet?
All that energy Molly! can you send some my way??
I totally understand the frustration of "messing up" a swim. Been there, done that " :)
That hike sounded nice until you mentioned ticks. Kirby & I hit the Quicksilver trails yesterday- beautiful views & no ticks... but we did hit a lot of poison oak.
Great photos of the hike! Bummer about all the clean-up that has to be done afterward but I'm sure their company is well worth it.
Good luck to you at Vegas. I ran it last year and enjoyed it with the exception of some weird leg issues early on. Thanks for the comment on my blog!
Awesome hike! But I'm sure that the clean up took longer than the hike itself... never thought about that one before :) You are READY for Las Vegas! Woo-hoo!
Uh, 300 yds of fist drills. Yeah, I would have definitely "miscalculated" that as well.
HATE fist drills.
ummmm, ticks are gross. possibly the grossest living things on earth (although in the planet earth shows there were cave worms that spit goo... those weren't so good either)...
lucky for me i get pictures sans grossness :) smooches to max for me!! oh yeah, and stan too i spose :)
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