Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Puppy puppy puppy

I've got all sorts of things to talk about but I'm too tired and busy to write about any of them.  So I'm hoping I can just distract you with lots of dog photos in the meantime.  Look, shiny!


Maggs said...

there's a rule in blogland. You're not allowed to just reuse FB photos.

But I'll forgive you, he's sooo cute. Makes me want to start the puppy hunt again!

Aimee said...

He is sooo cute!

Beth said...

I like the one where he's all wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Teresa said...

So so cute!!

San said...


Jen said...

Puck needs a picture on the sidebar of your blog! (Cody pointed this out...she says it's not fair).

Christi said...

I love puppy photos! Puck is so darn cute!

Clarese said...

Love the action shots! Too cute :)

Anonymous said...

this is the cutest puppy I think I've ever seen in my life. How are your boys getting along with the little one? Jealous at all?

Wes said...

The gooberment needs a law about calling things that big "puppy" :-) just sayin...

Bob Mitera said...

Love the picture of the boys with the puppy laying katy wampus in front.

The Original MAJ said...

they're all so precious!