Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ups and Downs

It's just been one of those weeks.  Is anyone else really really happy that it's almost Friday?!

I've been dealing with massive computer problems since ~Saturday.  My 3-weeks-old external drive died, with all of my photos from the last 10+ years that the Apple store had transferred onto it for me.  I'm now spending a small fortune on data recovery.  I've been trying not to think about it too much or I'll stress worse than I already am.

Welcome to big bike block indeed.  I rode Tuesday...I rode Wednesday...I rode today.  Twice.  My legs are grateful that we won't be riding again for a few days.

Work has been batshitcrazy this week.  Meetings upon meetings, computer issues there too (GAH!), and all sorts of high profile stuff that's good for my career but adds stress.

The boys started their new nose work class this week.  Now that they understand the search game, we are teaching them to search for a specific scent and pairing that with lots and lots of rewards!  Each dog searches in his own way but they all love doing it!

And finally, one of the best parts of my week...I've been working on swim form unlike any past year and hoping that I'd finally break through a big time barrier that's been there for me since I started swimming a few years ago.  We did a timed set in Wednesday night's swim technique session - a bunch of hard 100s, with a little help from pool toys for the later ones.  Well...I swam under my impossible time for every single one of the 100s!  I will say though, it gets really hard to swim all-out with the snorkel on even though you'd think it would help you.  I had that burn in my chest for the rest of the night but still it was worth it!  Now to figure out how to duplicate that effort, repeatedly, until it gets easier!

Happy almost-Friday!


Jennifer said...

whoo hoo, congrats on the swim breakthrough! I just started swimming with the fast girls and oh boy, I need to find a breakthrough. More swimming!

Steve said...

Have a good weekend. :)

elizabeth said...

Ugh, sorry you're having one of those weeks too! Hope your weekend is great!

Mary M said...

Um... I chased in the pool all morning!

Unknown said...

Yay for swimming breakthroughs!

Stef0115 said...

ACK sorry about your data loss. Talk about unwanted unneeded stress!

Swim breakthrough is FAB and so is the other stuff. I want a swim breakthrough but right now mine are more in the run and the bike. I'll take that!

Have a great weekend!

Meredith said...

Sorry it's been a rough week, but congrats on the swim break through - huge accomplishment.

Loved the difference between Max and Stan and Puck in the nose work!

Wes said...

Blech. I lost tons of photos on a hard drive crash. I never recovered them. Funny. About the same time I lost some enthuasism for digital photography.