We started off our day by heading over to Fit2Run. First we headed out for a "light, easy" 30 minute warmup run. We held an 8:30/mi pace for the first bit and then the leaders started to pick it up a bit. I settled into a pace with another camper and we chatted as we went along making several turns in the neighborhood. After we reached the turnaround and headed back, we noticed that the leaders had not taken the turn back towards Fit2Run. When we told them this was the turn, they said, No, that's not it, we're not there yet.
And this is how we lost my coach.
Luckily, as small as she is, she was found again, some miles down the road, in a fuzzy bathrobe, looking for coffee and muttering something about Boss...
I jest.
Eventually the missing group made it back to Fit2Run, an extra mile or two under their belts. Then came some fun stuff! I had my feet and gait analyzed to determine where my pressure points are on my feet and how I run. As it turns out, I am in the ideal shoes for my feet! After that we did run drills - Fit2Run has an indoor track we could use and Heather had some very fun drills for us to try. I think Liz will be giving me the most painful ones on my training schedule sometime soon.
Here is Melissa having her gait videotaped and analyzed.

Liz didn't lose her wallet on her extra long run!

With Heather Gollnick and Greyt Times

TriGirl Kate O, me, Melissa, Jen Harrison and Liz

Once we were done with running, it was time for RIDING! For those who were worried, Fiona is enjoying her Floridian vacation tremendously.

My legs, however, were left somewhere back in California. For the first 10 miles of the ride, I was barely keeping up with the group. And then Heather came along and pulled me back to everyone (how many times can you say you rode in the draft of a 5x Ironman champion?). From that point on, Liz decided to "help" me keep up. This mostly consisted of whispering sweet nothings in my ears like
"Push hard and GET her"
"Chase her down"
"Get ON her wheel"
and my personal favorite...
"Make her your bitch"
It was a hard ride and I will feel it in my legs tomorrow. When I have to get back on the bike and ride twice the distance. *yay* But it was awesome to be out there with so many wonderful athletes and enjoy the sunshine!
I've been ordered to rest up and eat, as the swim is still to come today. Time to get back to the bike shop and eat more before the other riders return. More later!
Liz definitely has a way with words :-)
Yeah - sounds like a great time! Keep up the fantastic work - think about how much you're growing from this experience!!!
I am so jealous right now :-)
Too much pink for me. :)
Other than the fact that everyone would be faaaar too fast for me, I'm SO jealous of you guys & camp!
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