Tribeaner and Sherry, finished with running

Next up was strength training instruction with Heather. Boy, does that woman have all sorts of things to try! I want to do it all at once, but I think I'd be a bit sore.
Sondra and Kate tackle the bosu ball balance

Greyt Times, Jen and Liz having a very serious conversation

The bosu squats seemed easy

so they flipped it over and had me do it the other way. Fun!

I think we were all envious of Heather's strong body!

And then...we were done. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone after bonding so much with such amazing women over only four days. We hope to keep up through email, our blogs and Facebook. I can't even express what a tremendous learning experience this was and how much I got out of it. *sniff*
Let's see if I can get this right....
Top row (l-r): Melissa, Jennifer, Courtney, me, Anne, Tribeaner, Greyt Times, Monica (coach), Cheryl, and Holly
Bottom row (l-r): Sherry, Jen (coach), Liz (coach), Heather (coach), Aimee, Kate, and Sondra

I'm in the airport, waiting a couple more hours for my flight to begin the journey home. I hear the dogs have been quite naughty missing me. I can't wait to get home to my family :)
What a great training camp! Thanks for sharing all the details of what you did and the pictures. I might consider going in 2011 since it's not far from Orlando. OTOH, maybe it'd be fun to go someplace far, like California, which is where I'm originally from. Be a good excuse to visit friends and family :-)
the half balance ball rules :)
This looks like so much fun!!!!!! Next time I'm there!
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