Sunday, August 29, 2010

Still Blowing

We got a heat wave (FINALLY!) early this week, and then by the weekend temperatures dropped again *sigh*  The winds, however, did not and even though I tried to engineer a ride where we’d score some nice tailwind, again we were out there riding across the flats in the valley with headwind. *double sigh*  At least I’ll be prepared if it’s windy in Austin.  Or darn strong from all this pushing in a headwind.

Early on, when things were hilly but calm

Going up up up!

I had arm warmers AND a long sleeved top on to simulate more heat.  We were a colorful group!

It appears to be my new tradition for these long ride days.  I need to find a better topping for the Toasted Coconut frozen yogurt (LOVE this flavor!) though – any suggestions?

In other news, Stanley and I hit up the Mensona Kennel Club show yesterday.  I was most nervous about our true debut in Rally Advanced – where we have to do the rally obedience course off-leash – but Stanley came through for me, even in distracting new conditions (the ring was indoors, something we’ve never worked with), and qualified for his first Advanced leg!  Then we went on to a more familiar venue, the show ring, and he got a Select for his first point towards the Grand Champion title (not that I’m really interested in pursuing this but it was nice to be recognized).  Stan’s littermate Beatrix went Best of Breed and then got a Herding Group Two – wow!!!  I was so happy for Beth to win big at her home show.

And now to try to rest up for a busy workweek.  On the training front, TCIRW – Thank Coach It’s Rest Week!!!!


Sherry said...

Look at that beautiful blue sky... and those nice, wide shoulders to ride on! Lucky girl! Wind is a toughie, but it makes you oh-so-strong.

Congrats to Stanley!!! :-)

Jen said...

I can relate! The wind has been KICKIN' here also.

Throught the power of suggestion - I'm off to get some Fro Yo!

Maggs said...

Yum. Yogurtland again. It was beardie day at Petland. Everywhere I turned more mops of hair.

The dogs weren't as big as I thought they would be? How much does a beardie weigh?

Kathleen said...

Yogurtland has arrived in Denver. I am so psyched!

I hate the wind. It always seems that it is hitting me head on no matter what direction I am going in:)

GoBigGreen said...

Pinneapple and or mango on the coconut yogurt.
Now i am deprived of froyo here in the midwest, DQ would have you putting brownie batter in everything and knowing my distaste for bad chocolate..well i will stop whineing on your blog:)