Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photo Diaries

A quick catchup of what we've been up to in the last week....

Stanley and Max and Puck and I drove to Arizona all day Thursday for a dog show.  Jeff flew down Thursday night.

I got to handle Stanley in the ring for the first time in a year - SO! MUCH! FUN!

On Sunday, we opted to go check out the scene at the local NASCAR race.  Plenty of good people watching.

 Nigel and Jeff did their best to fit in.
 I drove back home Sunday night and on Monday our new king-sized mattress was delivered.  The dogs wasted no time claiming it.
 Help...starving hungry..
 On Tuesday, the new bed frame arrived.  I guess there's no point in telling Max and Puck to get a room?
 Mom, this post is BORING.
 1st hockey game in a month!
Phew! There, now I'm all caught up, just in time for tomorrow's post.


Christi said...

A lot of great times!

Steve said...


Yes dogs always get the first pick in the best spot of the bed. Just glad we don't have any giraffe's as pets. :) LOL

Have a good one Molly. :)

Maggs said...

Puck pictures please.

Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

Sorry I missed you! And, I went to NASCAR once with the Nestle Team cause they had this big old bus/catered deal going… VIP or not, It's STILL NASCAR. Nuf said :)