Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Topsy Turvy

Life took a bit of a twist this past weekend.  Jeff and I were at the Arena, enjoying the Sharks-Red Wings game and finally feeling warmed up when I got a call in the middle of the 3rd period.  It was my mother, who was on her way to the ER following the ambulance that had taken my father, who was having a heart attack.

Suffice it to say, I was very quickly NOT at the hockey game and at the hospital with the rest of the family.  It was a scary night not knowing what exactly was going on but he was already looking much better by the time we headed home.  The good news was a very minor heart attack, his heart and arteries all look great, and he's had a stent implanted in the area where the plaque rupture occurred.  And he's already home and resting comfortably!  He's already quite healthy in terms of diet and exercise - and does not smoke or drink - so he just needs to fine-tune some things to help prevent anything bad from happening again.

Somehow in the midst of all of that, the last bit of training for the block got done.  I needed that long run on Sunday morning just for therapeutic value if nothing else and managed to finish it off despite texts and calls from family along the way.  Thank goodness this week is a rest week so I've been able to enjoy the lighter volume.  Which is especially helpful as I've been busy driving kids to school, home from swim practice, etc, so that my mom can focus on taking care of my dad.

Anyway, now back to our regularly scheduled life...

At the finish line of our 1st triathlon


Steve said...

Your parents have kids??

My Dad, and I did a 5K together once, and he decided he needed to cut my lawn after. He had the heart thingy too, and now is 77 (I think??) still going strong.

I don't have any pictures though.:)

Best wishes as always. :)

Elayne said...

Glad to hear your dad is on the mend. It's always so disconcerting when the relatively healthy folk have heart attacks and of course even more so when it's your dad. Here's to a quick recovery for him.

Meredith said...

So glad that your Dad is recovering so quickly. I've always known what a great friend you are, but you are equally an amazing daughter and sister.

Jennifer said...

wow... scary but so glad he's on the mend! I'm sure it's his active & healthy lifestyle that helped minimize the impact. I didn't know your dad did a tri... awesome! Go dad!

San said...

Whoa, glad that your Dad is alright again. And best wishes for his ongoing recovery.

Christi said...

I am glad to hear you dad is doing better. That is good news!

Meera said...

Glad to hear your dad is feeling better. You must be such a source of comfort to your family!

Bobbie said...

Very scary! Glad your dad is on the mend! Good luck!

Wes said...

so glad to hear that everything turned out!