Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flying the friendly skies

Later this morning, I'm heading to the airport to begin my day-long journey across the country. I'm very excited about going to camp and have high hopes for tough workouts and fun times. Camp rumors are flying around like crazy....90 mile bike ride....50 degree water....pajama pancake party? Yes, I promise to blog the highs and lows as best I can.

In the meantime, I am faced with the prospect of leaving the fuzzballs at home. They've watched me packing the last few days and they are certain


that they are going too. They will be in for a bit of a disappointment. I get to look at sad faces like this until then.

"I ken fit in yer bikes box, yes?"

"We wud be fun at camp two!"

"Max, she isn't really leaving is she?"
"Just keep her fetching and maybe she'll forget."

Please keep your fingers and paws crossed that Fiona makes the journey safely to Florida. It's my first time flying a bike and I have heard excellent things about Southwest (already our favorite airline) and bicycles, so I'm hopeful!


lynn yarmey said...

have an AWESOME time!!!! :) my half-marathon training group started this past weekend, so i am kindasorta still following in your footsteps... just veryveryveryvery slowly!

ps. if mr. md is in over his head with two fluffballs and you need a last-minute dog sitter... you just let me know! :)

Stef0115 said...

The looks on their faces are RIDICULOUSLY cute. And sad. Poor pups. Somehow I think they will live. ;-)

THANK YOU for mentioning this is your first time traveling with Fiona. I will also be doing that vicariously through you as I will be packing mine up in November to go to North Carolina. Hmmm . . . I think Southwest goes there . . . guess I have awhile to figure it out.

HAVE FUN AND WORK HARD I know you will.

beardies3 said...

And so the fun begins for you and Fiona. The precious fur balls will be just fine. Jeff will spoil them and they will all be glad to have you back home.

BriGaal said...

Have in Flor-i-duh!! I can say that since I'm from there :)

Marit C-L said...

Have a GREAT time at Camp! It's going to be absolutely fantastic!!! Hope that you arrived safe and sound (and Fiona too!) :)