Holly was chipper when we all met up at the bike shop though.

Then we headed out to a nearby park to run on trails. Jen Harrison was clearly thrilled with this.

Views from the park - soooo different from California scenery

After a great run, it was time to hit the beach for some open water swimming - WOOO!!!! I had talked so much smack about 57 degree water not being cold (our OW swims in Santa Cruz are colder) that I HAD to get in and with a smile. As it turned out the water was really nice and felt great on my sore muscles. I was the first one in the water and the last one out - I didn't want to get out!

Practicing beach starts

The brave women who chose the open water option

The alligator who has been hanging out behind the bike shop

Next up was a quick lunch and then BIKE RIDE! I opted for a longer ride today and it was a butt kicker with lots of wind and chasing fast women. When we finally finished our 2nd loop, rock star and my saint of a biking partner Kate and I celebrated.

And then celebrated some more!

Here is a group of women happy to be done for the day!

For dinner we had a PJs and pancake party. Here is Heather Gollnick, eating chocolate on her pancake.

Jen was quite proud of her pancake as well.

It's useful to find someone small enough to share a chair with you.

Apparently the night was not complete without a round of beers at the bar for our weary heroines. Kate, Holly, Melissa and Jennifer - you all rock!

What a great group of women to share the weekend camp. Enjoy the super training session!
Looks like a blast in that sick I want to work hard kind of way! The water is beautiful.
Looks like you are having a grueling but great time! Does being a shorty create any barriers for you? It looks like the other ladies in your pictures are all taller than you!
C- my coach is about the same height as me and Heather was only a few inches taller. I don't think it makes as much a difference in triathlon as some other sports!
I miss you guys already... that was so much fun!!!
imagine how tough the group starts would be if you also had to avoid alligators while running in :)
i am jealous of your warm open water swims!!!
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