Thursday, October 30, 2008

BCCA National Specialty - Days 5 and 6

*smack* Bad blogger, bad blogger. I didn't get an update done yesterday. It was just too insane.

Wednesday: Started at 4am with leaving to take dogs to be groomed. Got back to the show site by 11am just in time to see Winners Dog awarded. Showed both my boys in the Parade of Titleholders, where they tried to kill me by dragging me all over together. Playtime with dogs in my room. Dinner with the Mulcasters and the Smiths.

Thursday: First day I got to sleep in! Showed cousin Penelope in Altered Bitch and watched the bitch class judging. Stan was used as a demo dog in the judges education seminar and I learned a lot from that. He loved it, stacked himself over and over for everyone. We're finally back in the room to warm up for a bit. It's COLD!

Tomorrow Jeff and Cujo will arrive, Stanley will show in Best of Breed and we'll be DONE! Hopefully more photos soon.

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